Get peace of mind that the car you want to buy is as good as the seller says it is! A fully detailed Pre-Purchase Inspection service would cover evaluation of the mechanics, electronics, body work and documentation to ensure the vehicle is in the condition you are looking for. You will receive a fully written report with around 150 detailed colour photos uploaded for viewing and downloading on an online portal, so you, the serious buyer can get peace of mind of what you are buying, also unseen if you are unable to view the vehicle yourself. Customers have bought [or avoided buying] vehicles based on these reports and have been very satisfied. See Testimonials.
A car restoration can be a daunting prospect without even considering the intricacies of project planning and management. ASMG Italia provides the experience & tools to bring your car rebuild in on time and budget. Full turn-key services are provided at modern equipped facilities and by utilising tried and trusted fully skilled craftsmen at lower Italian labour rates. From full mechanical rebuilds, electrical projects, interior trim and historical conservation, through to the art of the ‘carrozziere’. ASMG Italia will only utilise the people on your projects that faithfully work on our cars and who conform to high standards of quality and integrity.
An involved activity that includes the negotiation for sale, all seller communications, the sales contract agreement documentation or dealer contracts amended as necessary and to follow through the process in detail to ensure there are no irregularities whilst keeping you routinely informed of progress. ASMG Italia has imported cars in and exported cars out of Italy so let us help you decisively jump the hurdles regarding Who, Where and What documentation and assistance is really required.
Advertising to a global audience incorporating a vast network, website, social media and newsletters; negotiation, communications and sales contract agreement documentation. Allow ASMG Italia to manage and evaluate all enquiries, and bring you quality buyers whilst you maintain a private profile.
Utilising a portfolio of Italian & international contacts ASMG Italia will be able to find a car for you to immediately enjoy, for investment or your next project….. from Innocenti to Iso, from Fiat to Ferrari. Note that Italy yields many rust free examples similar to US dry state cars. Get in contact with your basic model needs, put the kettle on and let us help your search.
Are you having difficulty in finding historical or specific parts especially for Italian cars, or do you need more cost effective logistic solutions for more common parts? Being ‘local’ & ‘lingual’ gives ASMG Italia a greater chance to work on your behalf to resolve your part needs.
European or international transportation need not be a concern, whether it be budget or premium level of shipment that would cater for your car, as part of the turn key service or just a quick ‘hop & drop’.
ASMG Italia is equally able to support your two wheeled passions. Where better than the Vespa & Lambretta homeland to cater for total service when it comes to your scooter whether it be a single scooter rebuild or bulk project purchases.